What excites you the most about investment/financial markets? 

Continuous learning, a deep understanding of finance, economics, market dynamics, and the need to stay informed to adapt to new information is what excites me about financial markets.

Why do you believe Prescient's Graduate Programme can help you achieve your current career goals?

I believe that this programme will provide me with valuable knowledge that can directly contribute to my career advancement. By learning the fundamentals of the markets, I hope to gain a better understanding of how the investment and financial industry works. I recognise that having a solid grasp of the basics is crucial to succeed in my current career goals and the Prescient Graduate Programme provides me with that.

What advice would you give a new graduate who is starting their career?

Always keep an open mind and be willing to learn from everything and everyone around you, regardless of their position or title. Take note of how people react when things go wrong and learn from their actions. Furthermore, strive to develop strong relationships with your colleagues.

A quote you believe and live by?

"Time wasted will never be regained"



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