What excites you the most about investment/financial markets? 

What excites me about the investment and financial industry is the opportunity to create value while making a positive impact. I am enthusiastic about the idea of using various asset classes not only to generate returns but also to contribute to a better world. Incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions, whilst creating value aligns with my investment strategy. The financial markets also teach one to instil values of sustainability, social responsibility, and good governance practices. It is incredibly fulfilling to know that investments can drive positive change in people’s lives, which goes far beyond just financial gains.

Why do you believe Prescient's Graduate Programme can help you achieve your current career goals?

Prescient’s Graduate Programme offers a unique opportunity for me to further develop my skills and expand my knowledge in finance and investments while gaining valuable practical experience.

The rotational programme and mentorship gives me exposure to various facets of the financial industry, which also align closely with my career and academic goals. Being part of the Graduate Programme, helps me hone my abilities to enhance my understanding of portfolio management and fund services. It also encourages me to gain insight into the latest trends and innovations in the financial sector. Moreover, Prescient’s Graduate Programme gives me a chance to learn from the best in the field and provides me with invaluable networking opportunities. The Graduate Programme enhances my career trajectory while having fun!

What advice would you give a new graduate who is starting their career?

My advice to a new graduate starting their career would be to embrace a mindset of continuous learning and change. The transition from University to the working world can be daunting. Always remember to seek out mentors and peers who can offer guidance and support, and do not hesitate to ask questions or seek help when needed. Have a strong work ethic, be professional, and support your team. Setbacks and failures are inevitable, but just like any exam in life, there is always a chance to redo it.

A quote you believe and live by?

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston Churchill 



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